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Number of pictures
The number of photos that you can take depends on the size chosen: the type 120 film can take 12 pictures of 6 x 6 cm, and 15 pictures of 4.5 x 6 cm.
More film formats
Lots of different film formats are used in photography. You can find a handy overview here.
Unused rolls
Unused roll film is sealed with a paper seal. If the roll film has been exposed already, you will see that it’s taped back up in differently. If you’re not sure whether the roll film has already been used, do not try to open the seal because daylight will expose it and render it unusable.
Did you know …
… roll film was invented by a farmer from Wisconsin in 1881? The farmer sold the patents to George Eastman, who made the roll film available to the general public via Kodak. The rest is history.