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126 film cassette
In 1963, Kodak introduced 126 film onto the market for its Instamatic cameras. 35mm film is inserted in one side of the cassette, and then wound a bit further along using a spool on the other side of the cassette after each photo is taken.
Did you know …
… unlike the 135 film roll, which can only be used once, you could keep reloading new film into the 126 film cassette after each use?
Minox film cassette
The Minox camera and accompanying film cassette is even smaller, which is why it was called a spy camera. Who knows what content could be on this narrow film, just 8 mm wide…?

Used or not?
If you have a 110, 126 or Minox film cassette and are unsure whether the film has been used, take it to a photo lab where they’ll be able to tell you, and develop it for you if it has! Don’t try to open the cassette yourself – exposing the film to light would destroy any images.
Did you know …
… manufacturer Tyco introduced two miniature toy spy cameras onto the market in the 1990s? The Reese’s Camera looks like a candy box made by the US confectionery and peanut butter brand, Reese’s, and the Hidden Camera came with a removable cardboard cover sleeve with small cut-outs for the trigger button and front lens that made it resemble a Good & Plenty candy box.
Delve into the world of 126, 110 and Minox film cassettes and cameras, and learn about all photographic film formats:
Photo 126 Filmcassette, Anonymus60, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons, removed background
Photo 126 Filmcassette, Maddl79, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons, removed background
Photo 110 Filmcassette, Anonymus60, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons, removed background
Minox Fimcassette, Free Art Licence, Smial (FAL), removed background